CategoriesEgyéb, Our works, Political Analyses

There is a 150 percent increase in the approval level of Viktor Orbán compared to a half a year ago

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In April, 28 percent of the total population would have elected Viktor Orbán as Prime Minister, but by October, one and a half times more, 43 percent of the respondents said the same – according to Nézőpont Intézet’s representative public opinion poll prepared at the request of Heti Válasz between O
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CategoriesEgyéb, Our works, Political Analyses

FIDESZ-KDNP has not been this strong since September of last year

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As a result of the national consensus that emerged around the immigration issue the government side has bolstered its support by 5 percentage points to 34 percent by the end of September within the total population. Support for Fidesz-KDNP was this strong only prior to the announcement of the planne
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CategoriesEgyéb, Our works, Political Analyses

National unity behind the government regarding immigration policies

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87 percent of those asked do not support Hungary’s acceptance of illegal immigrants, most of them rejecting that option due to economic reasons and terrorist threat – according to Nézőpont Intézet’s representative survey by asking 1000 people by telephone during September 6-12, 2015, which was reque
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