“Nézőpont” was established in 2006 with the aim to improve Hungarian public life and public discourse by providing real data, facts and opinions based on those. We wish to grow beyond being a conventional think tank and become a “fact tank”. To this end, we conduct public opinion trend polls, ad-hoc surveys, media and news researches, and political, communication and statistical analyses. We are convinced that good analysts and researchers see not only the moment but also the wider perspective, and this is why we strive to make international – primarily Central European – comparisons and trace historical trends. We are proud of the fact that we contribute to a higher standard of public life in Hungary not only through published research and analysis but by providing information and analysis to the general public as well. Several of our staff regularly appear on various media platforms to explain and evaluate social and political trends, local and international events and processes. “Nézőpont” has a wide range of interests. We are engaged in all areas where our skills and tools can add to Hungary’s success. Our primary focus points, however, are Hungarian youth, media policy and Central European cooperation. We take a comprehensive look at phenomena in order to uncover what they really are about.
The Nézőpont Institute, which has a professional history of more than 15 years, held a ceremony in November 2021 with the participation of Viktor Orbán.
In the legal sense „Nézőpont” consists of Nézőpont Intézet Alapítvány, Nézőpont Intézet Kutató Központ Kft and Nézőpont Csoport Zrt.