Germany is the primary ally of our country

Based on our public opinion poll conducted by telephone between January 24-26, 2015 with a representative sample of 1000 respondents, Hungarian voters indicate that they consider Germany as our primary ally and they support as tight political and economic cooperation between the two countries as possible.

On the occasion of the German Chancellor and the Hungarian prime minister’s summit on Monday, in our most recent public opinion poll, we have examined the assessment of the relations between the two countries. Based on this research, respondents indicate that they consider Germany as our primary ally and they support as tight political and economic cooperation between the two countries as possible.

In response to the question as to what country is the most important ally for our homeland, 32 percent of all respondents mentioned Germany. Participants in this survey mentioned Russia and the United States in second and third place, with 7 and 6 percent, respectively. The majority of those answering this question therefore consider Germany as our primary ally. Respondents overwhelmingly addressed the German Chancellor’s visit in a positive context during the past weeks. Nearly one-third of those asked addressed this topic, 22 percent of them with a positive overtone.

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The absolute majority of those asked (52 percent) took a position supporting the expansion of the political relationship between Hungary and Germany. By a similar margin, 55 percent said that they also consider it important to ameliorate economic relations between the two countries.

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The public opinion poll was conducted by telephone between January 24-26, 2015 with a sample of 1000 respondents. This is a representative sample of the population aged 18 years and older, classified by gender, age, region, residential settlement type and schooling completed. In case of a 1000 people sample such as this, the maximum margin of error is 3,2 percent.

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