Five months before the EP elections, the Center for Fundamental Rights, the Nézőpont Institute, the Real-PR 93, the Századvég Foundation and the Hungarian Social Research Ltd. have organised a joint research roundtable discussion, where the results of their latest surveys were presented.

Sámuel Ágoston Mráz, head of the Nézőpont Institute, Dr. Ádám Stefkovics, head of the research group at the Századvég Foundation, Erik Tóth, research director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, András Bánki, head of Real-PR 93. and Gyula Juhász, research director of the Hungarian Social Research Ltd. gave a brief overview of the current support for the parties 5 months before the EP elections.

Fidesz has maintained its leading position, with around 50 percent support. On the left, the Democratic Coalition has remained the strongest party, with almost half of the total support for the parties of the left-wing alliance of 2022. However, the former left-wing alliance as a whole has lost a significant amount of support since the previous elections. The fact that the MKKP is expected to receive around 8-11 percent of the vote, and Mi Hazánk around 7-10 percent, thus gaining seat in the Parliament, is a clear sign of the mood for a government change. Jobbik and MSZP, on the other hand, would not gain seats either in the parliamentary or in the EP elections.