Europeans are dissatisfied with Brussels’ handling of the crisis and expect peace from the new European Parliament

According to a Eurobarometer survey ordered by the European Parliament, the majority of Europeans are dissatisfied with the EU’s handling of migration (71 percent) and the Russia-Ukraine war (58 percent). The survey also shows that Europeans are mostly expecting the newly elected European Parliament to defend peace (47 percent) over the next five years.

The European Parliament’s Spring 2024 Eurobarometer survey examined, among other things, what Europeans think about the way the European Union works and what values they expect the MEPs elected in June to defend. These are particularly important questions in an EP election year, but the results are far from being favourable for the current Brussels leadership. The majority of Europeans are dissatisfied with the way the EU has handled the crises so far and, contrary to the pro-war mainstream, consider peace as the top priority for the next period. The Eurobarometer results show a strong demand for a change in Brussels.

az europaiak elegedetlenek bruesszel valsagkezelesevel es beket varnak az uj europai parlamenttol1
Europeans are dissatisfied with Brussels’ handling of the crisis and expect peace from the new European Parliament

A clear majority of Europeans do not agree with the current politics of the pro-migration and pro-war mainstream. When asked how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with the European Union’s crisis management in different areas, the majority expressed dissatisfaction in almost every case. 71 percent of citizens are dissatisfied with the handling of migration and 58 percent are dissatisfied with the handling of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Similarly, a large proportion of people are dissatisfied with the much-vaunted action on climate change (61 percent), but also with the EU’s handling of the economic and financial situation, which has previously operated without a common debt (58 percent).

az europaiak elegedetlenek bruesszel valsagkezelesevel es beket varnak az uj europai parlamenttol1
Europeans are dissatisfied with Brussels’ handling of the crisis and expect peace from the new European Parliament

In about 50 days, European citizens will elect a new European Parliament. The Eurobarometer survey also asked Europeans what they expect from the new European Parliament. The answers are clear: to defend peace instead of the current pro-war stance.

When asked which values the new European Parliament should “prioritise over the next five years”, European citizens ranked peace as the first and second most important value (47 percent). This was followed by democracy (33 percent) and the protection of freedom of expression and thought (21 percent), while the rule of law was not mentioned by half as many (20 percent), despite years of witch-hunts at European level.

The European Parliament Spring 2024 Eurobarometer survey was conducted in February-March 2024, with face-to-face data collection. EP Spring 2024 Survey: Use your vote – Countdown to the European elections – április 2024 – – Eurobarometer survey (

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