According to a recent survey of the Nézőpont Institute, despite the Ukrainian-Russian war, four-fifths (79 percent) of active voters agree that Hungary buys Russian gas. The Institute’s opinion poll also reveals that even among left-wing voters more than two-thirds (68 percent) support that Hungary continues to buy gas from Russia.
As a consequence of the Ukrainian-Russian war, the revision of the gas trade with Russia has been brought to the agenda. In its latest research, the Nézőpont Institute has addressed the question whether Hungarians think it is right or wrong for Hungary to continue buying Russian gas. According to the results, the majority of politically active Hungarians believe that energy trade with Russia is beneficial for the country.

Four-fifths of active voters (79 percent) think it is ok to buy gas from Russia, and only one in ten think it is wrong. Examining the results by the political sympathy of the respondents, it turns out that even among left-leaning voters seven in ten (68 percent) support maintaining energy trade with Russia despite the war, and only 15 percent disagree. Among pro-government voters, nine out of ten (88 percent) support the import of Russian gas and only one in twenty (5 percent) oppose it.
The latest poll of the Nézőpont Institute was conducted between 28 of February and 2 of March, 2022, by interviewing 1,000 respondents by phone. For all surveys, the sample is representative of the adult population (18 years and older) by gender, age, region, type of settlement and education. In case of a sample size of 1000 respondents and a confidence level of 95 percent, the sampling error is ± 3.16 percent.