The perception of bilateral relations between Germany and Hungary is mutually favourable in both countries, with 66% of Germans and 61% of Hungarians saying their bilateral relations have improved or remained unchanged over the past two years, according to a poll of Nézőpont Institute, conducted in cooperation with the representation of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Hungary.

The two nations’ view on each other is encouraging: two thirds of Germans (66%) have a positive opinion on Hungary, and the proportion of Hungarians expressing positive perspective on Germans is also high (45%). As for Germans, the perception of bilateral relations has clearly improved, as in 2017 28%, while in 2019 42% said they had a good opinion about German-Hungarian relations. Among Hungarians, this has stabilised at a high level in recent years, with 56% in 2017 and 53% in 2019 saying they had a positive stance on the relation between the two countries.

The catalyst for change may be the Germans’ improved perception of political relations. 22% more (57%) than two years ago said it now that German-Hungarian relations should be strengthened in this field, while there was no significant change in the attitude of Hungarians (42% instead of the previous 41%).

Another common point is the attitude towards tightening economic relations: 59% of Germans and 55% of Hungarians said that the traditionally strong German-Hungarian economic relations should be further strengthened.

Germany’s improving image on Hungary is also proven by the fact that today 38% of Germans agree with the Hungarian government’s migration policy, instead of the previous 26%. Yet another factor that has great weight in the perception of bilateral relations is the Merkel-Orbán meeting on the 30th anniversary of the Pan-European Picnic. There was a broad consensus indeed that the opening of the border at that time was a positive act by the Hungarians. Both Germans (64%) and Hungarians (66%) believe that Germany should be grateful for what Hungary did three decades ago.